Vacpac are well established in the food and manufacturing industry, known for specialising in high-quality equipment that is impactful to the industry. Vacpac ensures prompt and efficient service every time with a dedication to continuous improvement and leading edge technologies.

Kurt de villiers
In 2015, Kurt de Villiers, owner and director of Vacpac continued the legacy created by Ian de De Villiers who started the business Vacpac Engineering, from his home garage in early 2000. With over 20 years of experience, the business has grown from humble beginnings to become one of Australia’s leading specialists in our field.
Vacpac holds extensive knowledge and experience across a broad range of vacuum packaging machinery and other food processing equipment, complimented with a dedication to customer service and client satisfaction.
In 2021 we moved to a brand new purpose built factory with a large showroom and extended workshop to further assist us in delivering on the growing needs of our service, no matter how big or how small.
Conveniently situated between Brisbane CBD and the Gold Coast, we are central to our South-East Queensland service area which stretches between the Sunshine Coast, The Eastern Darling Downs and North Coast of NSW.
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VACPAC makes life easier with a showroom every client
can take advantage of to gain a greater understanding
of vacuum packing and what VACPAC has to offer.